get involved


There are many ways to get involved with our organization!


Our dedicated volunteers, regular people who train alongside our athletes, are committed to supporting and encouraging our athletes to reach their goals.

Register A Child

We provide a safe, nurturing, and supportive environment where your child or teen can explore their passion for sports, develop essential life skills, and build lifelong friendships.

Host A Fundraiser

Hosting a fundraiser for Ji4Life is a wonderful way to prepare for your sports event, connect with others, and engage with your community in a meaningful way.


We provide comprehensive training programs for athletes of all abilities. With your help, we can offer monthly classes, coaching, and fun competitive events. Your donation goes directly towards transportation, equipment, and accessibility for all athletes.

Sponsorship Opportunities

As a 501c3 non-profit, Ji4Life is committed to making a positive impact in the world. Support our inspiring work by becoming a sponsor today!